And We’re Back!

Sorry about the hiatus, everyone!  Mom wasn’t feeling very well.  Apparently the holidays are harder on humans than they are on cats! But we made sure to nurse her back to good health :)

We don’t have much to report today, just that there are a lot of things in the works behind the scenes!  Mom says she’s working on making us something called a “Pinterest account“.  We don’t really know what that is, but she says that means more people will get to enjoy our furry faces and silly antics, so that sounds like a pretty good plan to us!

She also shot some more video of us recently, so we’ll have some new movies up on our YouTube channel in the next week or so, hopefully.  If you haven’t checked us out there already, click here to join the fun.

Not only that, but mom says she’s finally going to finish our latest Adventures of Baseball and Zooey book.  And we think that’s the most exciting news of all. Baseball has been waiting a long time to get his very own book instead of just being a walk-on in one of those silly stories about Zooey!  So be sure to keep an eye out for that as well.

And don’t forget, you can always follow us on Facebook and Twitter for even more cute animal pictures, pet advice, and information – even on days we’re not updating the blog!

Well, that’s all for now, but we’ll leave you with this cute picture of Zooey cuddling with the Christmas Bear before mom took all of the decorations away:


Have a Great Weekend!  XOXO, Baseball and Zooey

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!  We hope you had a fun and safe holiday inside. Sometimes those fireworks can get kind of scary!!  We had a good night cuddling on the couch with mom and thought it was exciting when the ball dropped.  She drank something called apple cider, which we smelled, but the bubbles went up our noses so we can’t quite figure out why someone would want to drink it…

This year, our resolution is to keep being our cute funny selves, so mom has lots more inspiration for her books!  She thinks we might want to consider breaking fewer things also, but we’re not so sure about that.  Messes are fun!

What’s your resolution?

Wising you a joyous, and healthy New Year, full of lots of cuddles and fun toys!  Happy 2013 everyone!




Happy New Year 2013

Wordless Wednesday

(Or: Not-So-Wordless Wednesday, as the case may be…)

We have our very own YouTube channel now!  So all you fans can look forward to some more live-action entertainment in the future :)  In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our very first movie!

The Adventures of Baseball and Zooey Presents: Zooey on Catnip